Terms and Conditions of Sale of on-line store
SALANDER sp. z o.o.
User’s Personal Data– personal data provided by the User in the registration card and Order form, particularly the User’s name, surname and address.
Working Days– five days of the week, from Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays in Poland;
Delivery– delivery performed by means of a courier of the products ordered by the User and confirmed with a Delivery Confirmation;
Delivery Confirmation– document confirming the receipt of the parcel signed by both the courier and User or electronic document available on the courier’s website;
User’s Account– database including User’s data required to dispatch the ordered products
Consumer– natural person signing a Sale Contract, which is not directly related to the object of the business of professional activity performed by the person.
Buyer– User who placed an order.
Cart– tool enabling the User to make an initial selection of Products and evaluate their value as well as the value of the Order;
Product Description– description, available on SALANDER website, including basic information about the Product, its applications and price;
Product– product whose sale offer is placed on SALANDER website;
Courier– mailing company indicated by the User in the Order form, responsible for the delivery of Products to the User, for a payment. Couriers list is available in the Terms and Conditions.
Terms of use– the present document, which determines in particular:
- Conditions required to conclude a Sale Contract,
- Elements of the Sale Contract,
- Complaint procedure,
- Products warranty conditions,
- Private policy related to personal data acquired in relation with concluding and completing a Sale Contract.
The present Terms of Use is a document prepared in accordance with art. 8 of the law of 18th July 2002 r. referring to services provided via the Internet (Dz.U.2002.144.1204).
Registration– filling by the User of the registration card on SALANDER website in order to become member of Experience Corner Club and entitled to its benefits.
On-line store SALANDER /SALANDER– on-line service at http://www.experiencecorner.com,
Sale Contract– contract by which SALANDER is made responsible for selling and the User for buying Products at the price indicated in the Order.
User– natural person, legal person or organizational unit without legal entity.
Order– correctly and fully filled Order form including the Buyer’s statement of will, leading directly to conclude a Sale Contract and including price, type and quantity of Products.
General Conditions
On-line store SALANDER operates at www.experiencecorner.com and belongs to the company Salander sp. z o.o. located in Warsaw, ul. Noakowskiego 10/30 (kod: 00-666 Warszawa), registered in the National Court Register for the city of Warsaw Department XIII under the number KRS 0000373158 o kapitale zakładowym w wysokości 10 000 zł oraz o numerze NIP: 521-358-95-22.
On-line store SALANDER sells Products on the basis of Sale Contract, in which Terms of Use constitute an integral part.
Price of the Product is included in the Product Description.
The Sale Contract is concluded once the Buyer has received at the e-mail address indicated in the Order confirmation that the order has entered the shipping process. The confirmation is sent by on-line store SALANDER once the order has been placed correctly via the on-line store at www.experiencecorner.com.
Placing and Dispatching Orders
An Order is placed via the on-line store SALANDER. Placing Orders is possible 24 hours a day, excluding the time when the system is serviced or updated.
Placing orders is possible once the User has accepted the Terms of Use. Orders are placed by means of an electronic form available on SALANDER website.
Within 48 hours from placing the Order the User receives at the e-mail address indicated in the Order a confirmation that the order has entered the shipping process or that the order cannot be shipped with the explanation why.
Orders can also be confirmed by SALANDER by phone.
The Buyer can receive information about the status of the Order at the number +48 22 243 14 13 or by sending an inquiry at the e-mail address: info@experiencecorner.com
Changing or Cancelling Orders
You can change or cancel your order within 48 hours from placing the order by contacting SALANDER by phone at 48 22 243 14 13, unless the Order has already entered the shipping process. An order enters the shipping process when an order confirmation is sent by SALANDER to the e-mail address indicated by the Buyer in the Order.
The Buyer is informed by mail about the successful cancellation of the Order or the impossibility of cancelling it, sent to the address indicated in the Order.
SALANDER is entitled to verify data provided in the Order by means of a phone call to the Buyer. SALANDER reserves the right to refuse or cancel an Order that has been confirmed in the case when it is impossible to contact the Buyer or data included in the Order differ from the information provided by the Buyer during the verification process.
Experience Corner Club
After Registration each User becomes member of the Experience Corner Club and is entitled to get discounts for Products.
Discounts on Products granted to members of the Experience Corner Club are indicated in the Product Description or in promotional offers published on the on-line store website.
Prices of Products
Prices of Products are indicated in the Product Description.
All prices are given in Polish zlotys (PLN) in the Polish version of the website and in euros (EUR) in the English version.
Prices of Products do not include costs related to the Delivery.
SALANDER reserves the right to modify Prices of Products without notice.
Each Order is dispatched according to prices binding on the day the Order was placed. Another order placed after the receipt of the information about Order refusal or after Order cancellation either by the User or by SALANDER is treated as a new Order and dispatched in accordance with prices binding on the day of placing the new Order.
Delivery Conditions
Deliveries are performed within Poland by Apaczka.pl courier company according to its terms and conditions. Detailed information on delivery terms and condition is available on the website www.apaczka.pl
In case of parcels weighting up to 30 kg (real or by volume) shipping costs, regardless of the courier company, are 20 zloty.
Shipping costs of orders paid in advance, delivered in Poland, weighting up to 30 kg (real or by volume) and value up to 2000 zl are 40 zloty.
Shipping costs of orders paid on delivery, weighting up to 30 kg (real or by value) and of value exceeding 2000 zloty are 100 zloty.
Shipping costs to chosen European countries are visible while placing an order in your shopping cart and may vary for different countries and methods of payment.
The Buyer confirms the delivery by signing the Delivery Confirmation document.
Before signing the Delivery Confirmation the Buyer should verify in the presence of the courier if the parcel is in good condition and the content in accordance with the specification indicated in the Sale Contract as well as the correctness of the VAT invoice issued by SALANDER.
In case of discrepancy between the content of the Sale Contract or invoice with delivered Products the Buyer should immediately inform SALANDER in writing about the discrepancy.
Once the Delivery Confirmation has been signed, the Buyer is entirely liable for the use and possession of Products, and particularly the risk related to the loss or damage of Products.
The VAT invoice is issued by SALANDER for each Order and sent by mail when the Order is shipped. Therefore the Buyer hereby agrees to have invoices issued and sent by electronic post in accordance with § 3 of government order from 17th December 2010 r. related to the transmission of invoices via electronic post, conditions of their storage and procedures enabling their access to tax and control bodies.
Payment Forms
The Buyer can choose among the following methods of payment:
- electronic money transfer through the safe online payment system – Dotpay..
- credit card payment through the safe online payment system – Dotpay
- wire transfer on Salander sp. z o.o. ‘s bank account
- paid on delivery (payment to the courier at the delivery of the order)
SALANDER reserves the right to refuse that the Buyer chooses the „za pobraniem” payment method if the Buyer has not collected two consecutive Orders. In this case the Buyer will be able to choose the za pobraniem payment method after placing and colleting a new Order paid with a different payment method.
Withdrawing from the Sale Contract
The Consumer who has concluded a Sale Contract can withdraw from it without any explanation by submitting an appropriate statement, in writing, within 10 days from the Delivery date. The deadline is met if the statement is sent within 10 days to the following address:
Noakowskiego 10/30, 00-666 Warszawa. The form of the statement is available on the store website, in the tab: Complaint Form.
In case of withdrawal from the Sale Contract the Consumer is bound to return all Products within 14 days from the date the statement of withdrawal was submitted. The amount paid by the Consumer will be returned within 14 days from the date SALANDER received the statement of withdrawal.
The Consumer is bound to return Products in unused condition. Otherwise, the Consumer is bound to reimburse SALANDER the costs related to bringing the Products to their initial condition. The Consumer is liable for any damages incurring to the Products until they are returned to SALANDER.
The refund is only possible with a valid document (invoice) whose copy should be sent with the returned Products.
Returned Products should be sent to the following address:
Noakowskiego 10/30, 00-666 Warszawa. Shipping costs related to the return of Products to SALANDER are covered by the Consumer.
In case of noticing and presenting to the Seller that the Product is at variance with the Sale Contract at the moment the Sale Contract was concluded, in accordance with § 10 ust. 2 of the law from 27th of July referring to special conditions of consumer sales and amendments in the Civil Code (Dz.U.z 2002r. Nr 141, poz. 1176 ze zm.), the Consumer can claim to have the Product brought to the condition compatible with the Sale Contract by repairing it free of charge or replacing with a new one.
In case the reparation or exchange of Product is impossible or requires excessive costs or it is impossible to meet the demand within appropriate time or the exchange causes substantial inconvenience to the Consumer, the Consumer is entitled to a discount or to withdraw from the Sale Contract. However, the Consumer is not entitled to withdraw from the Sale Contract if the flaw is minor.
In particular discrepancies in the look of delivered Products with Products seen on SALANDER website do not constitute grounds for a complaint, if the discrepancies may be related to different parameters of the User’s screen.
The Buyer is entitled to complain within 2 days of the Delivery date, providing he/she informs SALANDER about the flaw within 2 months of finding the discrepancy of the Product with the Sale Contract.
Complaints related to discrepancies of the Product with the Sale Contract should be sent via electronic post to info@experiencecorner.com or traditional post to: Noakowskiego 10/30, 00-666 Warszawa.
The complaint should include the Consumer’s data (name, surname, and address), Order date and number, description of the complaint and the desired method of dealing with it.
The Consumer should enclose documents and other evidence justifying the complaint.
The complaint should be transmitted in writing or via electronic post by filling the form available on the store website, in the tab: Complaint Form
If an original warranty card provided by the producer or importer is enclosed to the Product, repairs are made by one of authorized services according to conditions stated on the warranty. A list of locations of authorized services is provided with the warranty card.
In other cases, warranty repairs are performed by SALANDER in accordance with conditions stated in these Terms of Use.
Warranties right do not exclude, limit or suspend the Consumer’s right to claims in accordance with the law from 27th of July referring to special conditions of consumer sales and amendments in the Civil Code (Dz.U. nr 141, poz. 1176 ze zm) resulting from discrepancies of the product and the contract.
The Client is entitled to complaint if he/she finds in the delivered product:
- Manufacturing flaws,
- Mechanical damages incurred during the transport of the Product to the Buyer
- Discrepancies of the Product with the Order
called “Flaws”.
If a Flaw is found, the Buyer should return the Product to the following address: Noakowskiego 10/30, 00-666 Warszawa.
The Product should be sent with the invoice as well as the complaint form available in the tab: Complaint Form. Parcels za pobraniem will not be accepted.
If the above mentioned conditions are not met, the object of the complaint will be sent back to the Buyer, at his/her costs.
The Buyer is liable for damages incurred during the transport of the returned Product.
If a warranty card is not provided with the Product, warranty repairs are performed on the basis of the invoice.
Warranty period granted by SALANDER is 1 year starting from the purchase date of the Product indicated on the invoice.
Flaws appearing during the warranty period will be repaired, free of charge, within 30 days of the receipt of the Product with documents required by these Terms of Use to place a complaint. If it is necessary to contact the producer located abroad, the period can be extended to another 30 days, about which the Buyer will be informed by SALANDER at the soonest.
Exchanged or repaired Products will be sent by post or courier to the Buyer’s address indicated in the Complaint Form.
Complaints related to mechanical damages incurred during transport or incomplete parcel will be investigated only if the Delivery Confirmation includes the description of the damage confirmed by the courier.
In case of unjustified complaint or damages to the Product incurred by the Buyer’s fault, all costs are covered by the Buyer.
Privacy Policy
User’s (Buyer’s) Personal Data are administered by SALANDER sp. z o.o. located in Warsaw, ul. Noakowskiego 10/30.
SALANDER processes User’s (Buyer’s) Personal Data in order to dispatch the order, which includes concluding, preparing, modifying or withdrawing from the Sale Contract as well as for marketing and archiving purposes.
User’s (Buyer’s) Personal Data is also processes by the courier company in order to deliver the order. Data is transmitted to the courier company in accordance with User’s (Buyer’s) will.
User’s (Buyer’s) Personal Data is transmitted to the USA. Transmission of data is required to complete the agreement related to services provided for the User (Buyer)
SALANDER ensures the observance of the law of 29th of August 1997 about the protection of personal data (Dz. U. z 2002 r., nr 101, poz. 926 with changes), and particularly enables the User (Buyer) to have constant access to the User’s (Buyer’s) personal Data and to complete it and modify.
The User (Buyer) is entitled to demand that SALANDER stops processing the User’s (Buyer’s) personal data for marketing purposes, in accordance with the law of 29th of August 1997 about the protection of personal data (tekst jedn. Dz.U. z 2002 r., nr 101, poz. 926 with changes.)
User’s (Buyer’s) personal data are processed with observance of the security rules determined by appropriate regulations and are not accessible to any third parties not related to the dispatch of the order. The User’s (Buyer’s) personal data can be accessible on demand to the entitled administration body on the basis and within the range determined by appropriate regulations.
Changes to these Terms and Conditions of Sale
SALANDER reserves the right to amend these Terms of Use without notice.